About Us

A family owned company, since 1969 we have been the leading the way as your Pacific Northwest resource. Specializing in hauling dry bulk cement, we have locations throughout the Northwest, ready to service your company. Contact us today to learn more!


Always Deliver More than expected

Our Values


We have a top notch safety program and provide comprehensive training to our drivers. You can be assured that you will have all the opportunities necessary to succeed at your work.


Delivering an exceptional experience to every interaction. We appreciate innovation and new ideas and always strive for the best.


Giving our time and talent to build stronger communities. We are a family owned company and are looking for talented individuals to join our team.

A message from our CEO

I am honored to continue the Wright Family legacy. With over 50 years of experience hauling bulk commodities, Washington Trucking continues to provide excellent customer service now and for many years to come.


John W. Campbell

Chief Executive Officer


OUr newest driver in training!